A los gatos, ¿les afectan los campos electromagnéticos?

Are cats affected by electromagnetic fields?

Exposure to high-frequency EMF can cause biological responses in cats, such as alterations in brain rhythms and possible effects on the central nervous system.

A 1973 experimental study called “Effects of Very High Frequency Modulated Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats” showed that very high frequency (VHF) fields , modulated at specific frequencies, affected the brain rhythms of exposed cats, suggesting that EMFs may generate biological responses in the feline nervous system.

In recent decades, electrosmog generated by telecommunications and household appliances has increased dramatically, affecting all living beings, including our cats.

Although it has not been proven that cats can sense electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the same way as some migratory animals, studies suggest that exposure to these fields can influence their health and nervous system. Microwave radiation, for example, has been found to affect their hearing in a similar way to people who suffer from tinnitus.

Although there is not yet enough conclusive evidence, experts agree that more studies are needed to fully understand the impact of electromagnetic fields on our cats and other species.

Prolonged exposure to these fields can have consequences at the cellular level for many species, affecting the body's natural balance and triggering oxidative stress reactions.

Therefore, having an electromagnetic filter at home could be a good preventive measure to protect both people and their pets from the negative effects of electrosmog.

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